Finishing up Women of the Word
The ladies' Sunday School class at church just finished going through Women of the Word , by Jen Wilkin. While I had read it once before, it was a blessing to go through it again! Yes, I am a slow learner and need to have things repeated over and over again . It was an incredibly helpful book for learning how to approach God’s Word for myself in order to clearly understand what it is saying. In several ways, this book has helped me to put together some pieces of the “Bible study methods” puzzle that before seemed obscure and vague, without a clear fit into the picture. In my understanding of the big picture of how to study the Bible for myself, Women of the Word contributed one significant piece: that piece was a grid for approaching the passage and determining how that affects my life. This is most easily summed up into three main questions: What does this passage teach me about God? How does this aspect of God’s character change my view of self?...