
Showing posts from February, 2016

Borscht [it's snowing outside] {A Recipe}

The other day was one of those days that practically begged to have a bowl of soup for supper: the snow was falling and there was no sign of it stopping; the fire was blazing in our wood stove; and the next day was our day off… All together, it felt like a yummy bowl of soup and a movie was the cozy winter thing to do.  You know what I’m talking about. If I hadn’t already had something planned for supper, I totally would have made some Borscht and biscuits. Borscht, or German Cabbage Soup, is a simple soup with something about it that just shouts “Comfort Food.”  I don’t know how or why.  It just does. So don’t let the cabbage scare you off! 1-2 Chicken breasts, cut in chunks 1 onion, diced 1/2 head of cabbage, finely chopped 2-3 carrots, chopped 1 can diced tomatoes, undrained 2 cups broth (you may need more, depending on how soupy you like your soup!) 1-2 teaspoons parsley, dill, or any other spices that sound good. ...

Why I love Bountiful Baskets

Off and on over the last few years I’ve ordered bountiful baskets and have really enjoyed the variety of vegetables and fruits that are in each basket.  After a long spell of not ordering one, I finally decided to order one last week.  It’s been wonderful! (By the way, if you don’t know what they are, check them out HERE !)  I’ve been thinking about why I like them so much and here’s what I came up with: 1. It forces us to eat more fruits and veggies .  Ok, I confess: I don’t naturally default to buying fresh produce in the store. *gasp*  In fact, potatoes and onions are about as “fresh” as it gets for me, with some occasional bananas, oranges, and apples thrown in every few weeks.  That’s about it. So yeah…despite the fact that I grew up in Brazil eating tons of fresh fruit practically every single day of my life until I came back here to the US, I forget to eat my fruits and veggies. *double gasp*...

All Catan Fans!

Yes, I'm am a Settlers of Catan fan...and a Cities and Knights fan.  If you are also a fan, you should check out these  Settlers of Catan Nachos . Aren't they sweet?!? Someday when I'm super motivated to do a Catan-themed party or something...I'll make these. :)