Three Years Ago...
The three-year mark since our miscarriage has come and gone. It kind of
surprised me that I didn’t notice the date until after it was past. I guess
that must be an indication that the pain is easing and thoughts of the twins
isn’t at the forefront of my mind every. single. day. like it used to be. I
know having Talitha around has helped with that...
And yet thoughts about it still often swirl around in my mind. We recently read Revelation 4. Verse 11 stood out to me in a unique way: “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.”
As I thought about this verse again today, it brings a measure of encouragement to the miscarriage conversation: Even when in pro-life circles, there is an {unintentional and subconscious} tendency to send the message that an under-developed baby that is only a few weeks along is insignificant and somehow not in the same category as a baby that is carried to late or full-term. There is also the difficulty to identify the purpose of such a short life because there was no life outside of the womb.
Yet this verse shouts loud and clear that God created all things. So, bring that thought to this conversation and we can conclude that, no matter how small a baby may be, it existed. And it existed because God created it.
Furthermore, to create something requires intentionality. Thus, God intentionally created the tiniest of babies… God intentionally created our twins.
Take that one step further and we see from Revelation 4:11 that no matter how short their physical life was here on earth—even if it was never lived outside of the womb—God created them for His pleasure and will.
In my finite understanding of the Big Picture, I can wish that God wouldn’t allow miscarriages and infant loss to happen. It is so tragic and difficult in ways that are hard to fully describe to someone who hasn’t also gone through it. I can also wish God gave us more in Scripture about this topic, as there are so many hard, unanswered questions about it.
But all my wishing isn’t going to change the way God, in His divine wisdom, has ordained things in this world to be, so once again I must find rest in what I do know to be true… When feelings of sadness about our miscarriage and the thoughts of all the “what-could-have-beens” overwhelm my heart, I have one more bullet to add to my “What I know to be true about God” ammunition for combating such feelings: God created our twins, He finds pleasure in their existence, and thus, I am to give Him glory, honor, and power for it.
And yet thoughts about it still often swirl around in my mind. We recently read Revelation 4. Verse 11 stood out to me in a unique way: “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.”
As I thought about this verse again today, it brings a measure of encouragement to the miscarriage conversation: Even when in pro-life circles, there is an {unintentional and subconscious} tendency to send the message that an under-developed baby that is only a few weeks along is insignificant and somehow not in the same category as a baby that is carried to late or full-term. There is also the difficulty to identify the purpose of such a short life because there was no life outside of the womb.
Yet this verse shouts loud and clear that God created all things. So, bring that thought to this conversation and we can conclude that, no matter how small a baby may be, it existed. And it existed because God created it.
Furthermore, to create something requires intentionality. Thus, God intentionally created the tiniest of babies… God intentionally created our twins.
Take that one step further and we see from Revelation 4:11 that no matter how short their physical life was here on earth—even if it was never lived outside of the womb—God created them for His pleasure and will.
In my finite understanding of the Big Picture, I can wish that God wouldn’t allow miscarriages and infant loss to happen. It is so tragic and difficult in ways that are hard to fully describe to someone who hasn’t also gone through it. I can also wish God gave us more in Scripture about this topic, as there are so many hard, unanswered questions about it.
But all my wishing isn’t going to change the way God, in His divine wisdom, has ordained things in this world to be, so once again I must find rest in what I do know to be true… When feelings of sadness about our miscarriage and the thoughts of all the “what-could-have-beens” overwhelm my heart, I have one more bullet to add to my “What I know to be true about God” ammunition for combating such feelings: God created our twins, He finds pleasure in their existence, and thus, I am to give Him glory, honor, and power for it.
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