Books and Posts from 2016 (or not)

If you read any blogs, you’ve probably seen a number of posts over the past few weeks that were along the lines of “Top 10 Books for 2016” or “Top 10 Posts of the Year.”  Well, you won’t get posts like that here…because I don’t think I’ve even read ten complete books this year, or had enough of a blog-audience to have a list of the ten most-read posts on this blog. Haha…

Instead, I thought it would be fun to do a  slight variation: The Books I Wish I’d Read (or finished) in 2016 and The Posts I Would Liked to Have Posted in 2016.  

So here goes…

8 Books I Wish I’d Read (or finished) in 2016:

1.  None Like Him, by Jen Wilkin (On the attributes of God.  Really good—at least the few chapters that I’ve read so far!) 
2.  Future Grace, by John Piper (About about halfway through...and then got distracted.  Again, really good so far!)
3.  A Peculiar Glory, by John Piper (Why we believe the Bible is the Word of God!)
4.  Knowing God, by J. I. Packer (Covers the attributes of God, one at a time, and how that affects my relationship with Him.)
5.  The Scars That Have Shaped Me, by Vaneetha Rendall Risner (Haven’t even seen the inside of this book, but it sounds like an incredible testimony to God’s grace and goodness!)
6.  When People are Big and God is Small, by Ed Welch (Ahh, sounds like I need to read this book.)
7.  A Heart Set Free, by Christina Fox (A book that I’ve read several good reviews about.)
8.  Humble Roots, by Hannah Anderson  (Again, more great reviews about this book!)

Blog Posts I Would Like to Have Written in 2016:

1. The rest of the “Describe Him” Series I started a looong time ago!
2. A series on a study through a book of the Bible.
3. More Yummy, Easy, and Healthy Recipes
4. Facing Fear and What God’s Word Has to Say About It
5. What I Wish The Church Understood About Miscarriage and “The Silence”
6. Cultivating Thankfulness
7. Finding Joy in the Lord
8. “…That We May then Comfort” and Carrying Their Burden

So there you have it.  Maybe this should become my tentative list of books to read and posts to write in 2017! What do you think?


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