Describe Him: Immutable
Imagine a God who changes: At one point, He may have shown love to mankind. But not necessarily anymore. Perhaps He decided to go back on His declaration of love for the world. He made the promise of a coming Savior and eventually, a ruling King. But maybe He conceived of a better plan for sin’s problem. Maybe that solution would be to demolish all of humanity and start over with a perfect race, sparing His only Son from receiving the punishment for the sins of the whole world. I mean, maybe He’s changed His mind on providing a means of salvation for us. If God changes from time to time, His Word is utterly irrelevant to us, for it was written years ago, and anything it tells us about God is probably already out of date.
Because God does not, and CANNOT, change, when He says He will do something, He will do it. When He declares something to be true, it always will be true. When He makes a promise, He keeps His promise. His actions perfectly and consistently reflect His character, every single time. And His character will never change.
So when we read that He loves the world, He loves the world, no doubts about it. He has said that all you must do to be saved is to believe. That hasn’t changed since it was first written centuries ago. He has promised that Christ will return for His Bride. And we are anxiously awaiting His return even now.
Because God does not change.
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