
Showing posts from 2021

On Blogging and Doing It For God's Glory

Blogging for God Glory in a Clickbait World by Benjamin Vrbicek and John Beeson was the one and only book I finished during 2020. (And yes, writing those words makes me so sad.) Back in 2019, I read over forty books. It was so fantastic. I absolutely loved reading and learning so much just from reading. Throughout 2019, the books I read ranged from On Reading Well that discussed a handful of classics, to theological books like Assured that covered the subject of the assurance of salvation, to fiction, to biographies. I felt like my brain was always being prodded along towards growth in a variety of areas. And then I came to a screeching halt in 2020.  As much as I really, really wanted to read more, I didn't. So Blogging for God's Glory in a Clickbait World is all I've got to show for 2020. (I did start a handful of other books--maybe 3?--but I have yet to finish them.) Anyways...let's leave the past in the past and move on. Blogging for God's Glory was a good re