On Six Years of Marriage
Six years ago, we stood before our family and friends and pledged our love to each other. We became Mr and Mrs Isaac Stanley and had that first awkward kiss before a watching audience. It has been 2,190 days since I became Mrs Stanley, and I'm still not used to that name. Wedding Day - June 2013 That sunny June day, almost four years after we first met, we thought we knew each other. But oh, how little we really knew! I mean, I knew he loved to read, but just how much, I really had no clue! We thought we loved each other, but that love had been untested, untried. Sure, we had to work through some things before we were married, but that day when we pledged our love to each other, our love was really only in its infant stages. It was definitely still in the fuzzy-feeling stage. It was still in that stage where our hearts would beat faster at hearing each other's voice on the other end of the phone or while reading a love note that had been sent ...